Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Past Week

Last Wednesday the Black Keys were in town. A group of 7 of us went to the show, held at the Carling Brixton Academy. It was an older place, like the Orpheum in Boston. Unfortunately, the show was also like the one in Boston. There was no standing to be had in the balcony, not because people didn't want to, but because we were forbidden, which is lame. The Keys' timing also seemed off at first and Pat's bass drum was waaaaay overpowering at times. They also had the sub-standard set list and absolutely horrible encore. But still, it's the Keys, so I can't complain.

On Thursday, Kendal came in. After bring her stuff back here, we went to Soho just to walk around. We ate at a pub right by Leicester Square station. I had a Steak and Ale pie with an Old Speckled Hen. Both items were delicious. After walking around there some more, we started heading back, but got off at Waterloo to walk along the South Bank. So we walked along, past the Eye and over the Westminster Bridge to get a view of Parliament. Once we were satisfied there, we came back to New Cross and went to an Obama victory party. It was supposed to feature cigars and champagne, but only champagne made an appearance. But there was some nice food, raw salmon on watermelon, chicken stuffed with cheese and bacon... tasty stuff.

Friday we woke up and went to Westminster. We looked at Parliament and went into Westminster Abbey. Outside the Abbey is gorgeous and I appreciate all the history located just inside the Abbey, but its almost too much. It's too busy inside. I prefer Notre Dame much more over Westminster Abbey. The interior is just so much more peaceful and beautiful. After the Abbey we started walking through St. James's Park before turning back and going to the Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms. The War Rooms I had already seen, but this time I had the audio tour which enhanced the experience. The Churchill Museum was all new to me though and I wish we had gone there earlier in the day because I did not see enough. The Churchill Museum is so interactive, it's incredible. And not interactive in an annoying kiddy type way. Lots of multimedia, the highlight which is a giant board in the middle of the room where you can surf through major dates of his life and history. Amazing stuff. After the War Rooms we went to Trafalgar and got a quick bite to eat at Pret a Manger. From there we walked through the Admiralty Arch along the Mall to Buckingham Palace, which at least to me, was quite unimpressive. Then we went back to New Cross to hit up BBQ night at the Hobgoblin.

Saturday we just took the train straight to London Bridge. From there we walked to and across Tower Bridge and over to the Tower of London. I've seen the Tower before, but again, an audio tour enhanced my experience. We also went into the display of the Crown Jewels, which I hadn't seen. The Jewels and the coronation ceremony... all a little over the top, if you ask me. It was amazing though how intricate the crowns and scepters were. We spent five hours there. I bought some mead, because mead is delicious. From there we walked through London, past St. Paul's until we found a pub called Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese. This place was rebuilt in 1667 after the Great Fire. It has not changed much. There is no large bar area, just small rooms, sometimes with tables or just a bar. Very old wood, sawdust on the floor, low lighting, a very very cool place. We had dinner in what was called the Chop Room, a place Dickens used to eat in regularly. We had a cheese plate as an appetizer and for my main course I had Scottish roast beef with horseradish and Yorkshire Pudding. It was so good. I cleaned the plate. After this we slowly slowly worked our way back and went to Sam's, since she was cooking mac & cheese and having people over. A jolly good time was had and I eventually made room to try some of her excellent dish.

Sunday we went to the Museum of London, which was horrible. I wasn't ready for it to be so kid-oriented. And even the parts that were supposed to be for adults, it was very simple. For me, it never really showed me anything new. By the time we got to a place in time where I might have learned something, I was so bored and annoyed with the general layout of the museum, that I didn't care to read anything. Most of the time, when a museum is trying to tell a story, they have it organized so you know where to go along a basic timeline. In this museum, it was just sort of go wherever you want, which is not a good idea. Half of the museum wasn't even open, it was closed for renovation. After this we went to the Sherlock Holmes museum, which is a recreation of his house on 221B Baker Street. I don't know any of the stories or anything about him, but it was a pretty cool place. Everything was made up to be as it would've been in his times. They had someone playing Watson who greeted people and took pictures with them. On the third floor there was a bunch of wax/plastic (?) figures from famous stories. A decent place. After that we went to Picadilly Square, just so she could see it. We went to Aberdeen Steak House right off the Square and got the sampler with the worst potato skins ever made. We were supposed to go out to dinner, but that fell through, so we want back to the Hobgoblin and got some Thai food.

Getting her to airport on Monday was a pain. We woke up at 7:15ish but we didn't get out of the flat until a little after 8. Standing on the platform, we had to let three trains pass us, we just couldn't get on. There was no room. The aisles were packed with people. So eventually we had to take the bus. We jumped on the 436 to Paddington, which took a good 75 minutes, at least. So we get to Paddington at 10:15ish, we had originally planned to be at Heathrow around 9:15. At this point, we're resigned to the fact that she won't make her flight, since cut off for check in is at 10:30. Still, we get on the Express and get to Heathrow. We go to the check in desk, are led to a couple different places and eventually they let her check in, but tell her she has to book through security and the airport and everything. Somehow, she gets on and all is fine. Helluva morning. To make up for it, I went out for sushi with Sam and Gareth that night. The sushi was on a conveyor belt and you just picked what you wanted off the belt. It was awesome.

And now I leave for Dublin later today, Ted's in on Sunday, Thanksgiving is on Thursday, Jaime is in on Friady and then I leave for Amsterdam the Thursday after. Where has the time gone?

P.S. Pictures have been added to the "London" album, the link is on the top right.

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